9315127 Janecke This award supports a two-year cooperative research project between Professor Joachim Janecke, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, and Professor Mamoru Fujiwara, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, (RCNP) Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. In addition to Professor Janecke, a postdoctoral fellow and a graduate student from the University of Michigan will visit Japan to participate in the joint research project. The Michigan researchers will perform experiments related to the study of charge-exchange reactions and the properties of giant resonances at the new Ring Cyclotron Facility and the new magnetic spectrometer Grand Raiden at Osaka University. The particle energy available at the RCNP facility favors spinflip transitions. The proposed experiments to investigate microscopic structures of Gamow-Teller resonances and characteristics of the charge-reaction mechanisms in terms of isovector non-spinflip, spinflip, and tensor interactions represent an extension and continuation of work performed by the U.S. principal investigator at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility over the past several years. These experiments will yield new data that may shed light on the character of isobaric analog states. ***