9317191 Zoller This award will fund the visit by Professor Peter Zoller of the Department of Physics at the University of Colorado to spend one month at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand, conducting collaborative research with Dr. Crispin Gardiner on quantum noise problems in quantum physics. The primary focus of the collaboration will investigate aspects of wave function simulations of the quantum master equations using white noise methods. There appear to be a number of potential applications in quantum optics for these noise theories. Significant experimental effort is being expended to observe Bose-Einstein condensation in cold atomic samples employing laser cooling and magneto-optical traps. The detection of Bose condensation using light scattering requires a theoretical formulation in terms of a master equation. This U.S.-New Zealand collaboration will work on such a theory both from the point of view of a general master equation and the wave function simulation method.