9400019 Narum This award to the Independent Colleges Office makes possible a series of seminars and workshops on undergraduate science facilities. The goals are to: 1) equip institutional teams from predominantly undergraduate institutions to prepare competitive proposals to the NSF, and to other funding agencies, public and private, for their science facilities modernization projects; and 2) support the process of facilities modernization, so that the science, mathematics and engineering programs for undergraduate students on those campuses are strengthened. With full participation from the United Negro College Fund, this series of workshops and seminars also seeks to incorporate the needs of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, thus paying attention to scientific workforce diversity issues. This project is important since it seeks to include small colleges into the mainstream of rebuilding their research and research training infrastructure. This is of great significance to this country since these are the institutions from which a high percentage of Americans emerge and go on to become our scientists and engineers.