Yousten 9401103 This U.S.-Brazilian Cooperative Science Program award supports travel expenses of nine U.S. researchers who will participate in a workshop on Enthomopathogenic Bacteria. Ten Brazilian and a Colombian investigator will also participate in the workshop, to be held May 23-26, at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The use of synthetic chemical insecticides , while highly successful, presents problems of toxicity to humans and other non-target organisms, environmental pollution,and development of resistant target organisms. As a result, interest in the use of naturally occurring microbial insecticides has increased greatly. U.S. scientists are leaders in the area of bacterial toxicity, while Brazilian scientists have developed fermentation methods that are also essential to the mass production of microbial insecticides. Collaborative efforts at defining pathogenic properties of bacteria, the mechanisms of action of the microorganisms and possibilities for mass production will benefit all countries involved. It is expected that several new research collaborations of mutual interest will emerge from this workshop.