9402025 Van Keuren This award supports the foreign travel expenses for Dr. Edward Van Keuren to spend six months at the Solid State Chemistry Laboratory of the National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research (NIMCR) located at Tsukuba, Japan. Dr. Van Keuren will be conducting research over a period of six months on third-order nonlinear optical properties of crystalline organic materials with Dr. Hiro Matsuda, a senior research investigator at NIMCR. The crystalline organic materials to be investigated are of interest due to their potentially large third-order optical effects, fast time responses and as model systems for understanding the basic physics of the molecular structure/optical properties relationship. Dr. Van Keuren is very familiar with the work being conducted by Dr. Matsuda, having been a fellow at NIMCR supported by the Japanese Science and Technology Agency. The optical measurement systems recently installed at NIMCR represent a broad spectrum of available state-of-the-art measurement techniques for third-order optical processes. The collaboration will utilize the experience of Dr. Van Keuren with optical systems and nonlinear optical measurements with the synthesis and optical characterization facilities available at NIMCR, along with the expertise of the participating Japanese investigators. The award is funded under the auspices of the Center for Global Partnership (CGP) of the Japan Foundation under the NSF-CGP Science Fellowship Program. ***