9402255 Douglas This U. S.-Brazil Cooperative Science Program award supports travel expenses related to the visits of Drs. Jim Douglas and Felipe Pereira, Purdue University, Indiana, to Brazil. The purpose of the visits is to perform modeling, analysis and design of numerical methods for the simulation of multiphase flows in multi-length scale, heterogeneous porous media. The Brazilian researchers involved in this project are Prof. Paulo Jorge S. Paes Leme of the Instituto Politecnico of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Dr. Mauricio Kischinhevsky, of the Universidade Federal Fluminense. The project aims at two problems: understanding the hydrodynamics involving secondary oil recovery in petroleum reservoirs, particularly in naturally fractured reservoirs. Secondly, the project will simulate contamination of ground water in formations that present multi-length scale heterogeneities, and/or that can possibly be fractured. The computations involve the use of massively parallel processing. Both the U.S. and Brazil confront critical energy problems, and are interested in reducing contamination of ground water. Therefore both countries are expected to benefit from this collaboration. ***