Members of the Department of Geological Sciences at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) investigate the interactions among the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. Researchers are now focusing on the geological aspects of environmental contamination, determining how hydrocarbons are generated and degraded in the lithosphere and the marine environment. Successful research is dependent upon quality laboratories that the department currently does not possess. Research space, housed in Peterson Halls 2 and 3, was designed and built in the 1950's and early 1960's and is not conducive to support modern research and research training. Sharing of research space with teaching space, coupled with faculty and students having access to only five fume hoods, creates severe problems with contamination by particulate matter, that impedes research and research training activities. This award will provide support for the consolidation of dispersed research laboratories into one modern laboratory facility, providing adequate exhaust hood ventilation, air purification, and instrumentation space for all faculty and students involved in geochemical research. Geochemical analysis now conducted at a nearby institution will be shifted to CSULB, further enhancing the ability of the Department to attract quality graduate students. The renovation will rectify deficiencies in the current laboratories, allowing research to be performed in an efficient and clean environment, enabling the development of new research techniques, and fostering interaction between research groups. The new laboratory will be the first step in developing a formal interdisciplinary program in the environmental sciences.