9415451 Barrett This three-year award will support U.S.-France cooperative research in nuclear physics between Bruce R. Barrett of the University of Arizona and Piet van Isacker at GANIL (Grand Accelerateur National d' Ions Lourds), Caen, France. The objective of their research is the study of properties of exotic light nuclei away from the proton and neutron lines of stability. They propose to reach as high a mass as A=11 in order to investigate the so-called "halo" structure. Studies on large-scale microscopic (also known as shell- model) calculations will be complemented by model calculations utilizing the Interactive Boson Model-3. Recent advances in nuclear structure theory and computer technology will be applied to these investigations. Dr. Barrett brings to this project expertise in shell-model calculations and effective theory. This is complemented by the French investigators' experience in group theory and Interacting Boson Model. The project takes advantage of excellent facilities at GANIL, including a very powerful LISE spectrometer, and provides access to an experimental group currently performing investigations on the structure of exotic light nuclei. These studies on nuclear structure have important applications in energy research, physics and astronomy. ***