9417164 Turco This award supports the participation of 10 U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan seminar on Climate Phenomena in the Pacific Basin and Rim, to be held at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan in November 1995. The co-organizers are Dr. Richard Turco of the University of California at Los Angeles and Dr. Taroh Matsuno of the Center for Climate Qystem Research at the University of Tokyo. The joint seminar will bring together experts on climate observations, analysis and modeling to review the status of atmosphere/ocean modeling and prediction, to identify research needs and to encourage new projects directed toward improving climate predictability. One principal objective of the seminar is to initiate collaborative research in global climate change between Japanese and American scientists, consistent with the U.S.-Japan agreement on Global Change research. A previous interdisciplinary workshop on climate processes arranged by the PIs was successful in opening new avenues of communication and collaboration between scientists on both sides of the Pacific basin. This seminar builds upon that success to encourage and develop new collaborative research projects and strengthen ongoing collaborative efforts. ***