9417559 Landau This award supports the participation of 12 U.S. scientists in a U.S.- Japan seminar on New Trends in Computer Simulations of Spin Systems, to be held in Honolulu from August 29-September 1, 1995. The co-organizers are Dr. David Landau of the University of Georgia and Professor Masuo Suzuki of the University of Tokyo. The purpose of this seminar is to bring together U.S. and Japanese scientists in an environment that is conducive to informal interaction in addition to formal presentation. Participants are leaders in different aspects of computational physics, who come from diverse institutions in different geographical areas of each country and who are at different stages of their careers. The topics of interest include the determination of critical exponents in different spin models, the nature of phase transitions in complex spin systems, and the development of algorithms for both classical and quantum models. The seminar will foster the type of contact between Japanese and U.S. scientists that can be expected to have significant influence on the future course of the field. The proposed participants and observers have been selected for their past contributions and current activity in the field, and the meeting can be expected to produce concrete plans for future cooperation and exchange. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. ***