9418142 Appleton This award will support the travel and communications expenses, over a two year period, to enable Dr. Philip Appleton and Mark Bransford, a doctoral student working with Dr. Appleton, of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Iowa State University, to conduct research with Dr. Raymond Norris, Acting Director of the Australia Telescope National Facility, and Charlene Heisler of the Anglo-Australian Observatory. The cooperative research will focus on the study of radio emission and star formation distribution in a sample of Seyfert galaxies. This collaborative project involves astronomical observations and numerical modeling utilizing a sample of galaxies containing Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN's) which are observed from the southern hemisphere. The observational side of the project requires the use of the unique Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) aperture-synthesis radio telescope, which became operational three years ago, and the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). The ATNF is the only radio telescope in the southern hemisphere capable of providing the detailed images of galaxies required. The special instrumentation available for infrared imaging at the AAT is also unique in the southern hemisphere. In order to gain an understanding of the possible causal pelationship between starburst and AGN activity, high dynamic range radio maps, at three frequencies, will be obtained at ATNF. Near infrared observations at AAT will concentrate on the distribution and strengths of key spectra lines which will be used to distinguish between narrow-line emission and those associated with the AGN spectra characteristic of star formation regions. These star formation regions will then be compared in detail with the radio and optical morphologies of the galaxies to search for causal connections which might link star formation with non-thermal AGN processes. The Australian collaborators are requesting support from the Department of Indus try, Science and Technology (DIST) to fund their travel to Iowa State University to make use of the special numerical modeling program being conducted on galaxies in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

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Iowa State University
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