9418425 Hillis and Crandall This award will support the travel expenses for three months of Dr. Keith A. Crandall to Australia. Dr. Crandall, along with Dr. David M. Hillis of the Department of Zoology at the University of Texas, Austin, are conducting collaborative research with Dr. Chris Austin of the School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resource Management at Deakin University in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. The study will provide information to assist in understanding the systematics and evolutionary biology of a family of freshwater crayfishes. The purpose of the travel is to collect a series of parastacid crayfish in preparation for a morphological/molecular study of their phylogeny. Once the phylogeny has been developed it will be used to test earlier hypotheses on phylogenetic relationships and biogeography. The study will also yield data that should be useful in conservation activities directed at these animals. Dr. Austin brings to the collaboration his expertise on the morphology of Australian crayfish and their geographic distribution. The American investigators have considerable contributions in molecular systematic techniques.