9502870 Gilbert This dissertation enhancement award supports a 3-month research visit in Japan for Philip Williams, a graduate student at Mississippi State University, who works under the direction of Professor Jerome A. Gilbert. Mr. Williams' three month stay in Japan will be hosted by the Professor Kazuhiko Ishihara at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University. The collaborators seek to improve the lubricity of weight-bearing prostheses via the fabrication of lipid- attracting polyurethane materials. The specific aim of the research stay by Mr. Williams is the fabrication and characterization of an elastomeric material whose surface represents an interpenetrating polymer network with material capable of attracting boundary lubricants. This proposal brings together research scientists from two countries working in the area of biomaterials/bioengineering. The U. S. graduate student will have the opportunity to become familiar with research techniques, data, equipment, and facilities the Tokyo Medical and Dental University while contributing to the overall research effort. The host laboratory possesses the skills to fabricate polymers, developed for blood- compatibility reasons, suitable for attracting boundary lubricants. The host will learn from Mr. Williams about considerations associated with the alternate application of their materials. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. ***

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Mississippi State University
Mississippi State
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