9502985 Blaisten-Barojas This Americas Program award will support Professor Estela Blaisten-Barojas of George Mason University in a research collaboration with Professor Agustin Gonzalez Flores of the Instituto de Fisica of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), in Mexico City. The researchers plan to engage in computer modeling of colloidal and aerosol aggregation of binary and multicomponent mixtures. The study of colloidal and aerosol aggregation is important because of its technological applications. From a theoretical perspective, important progress has been made recently in the understanding of one-component colloidal aggregation through computer experiments. However, when the complexity of the system increases to better mimic real systems, the corresponding computer simulations require high performance supercomputing tools. The researchers intend to pursue the study of binary and multicomponent mixtures, developing and implementing all algorithms in massively parallel computing platforms. This project will serve to strengthen collaborative efforts between two groups of experienced researchers in the area of computational modeling. ***