9505035 Sheaff This grant provides partial support for U.S. and Eastern European participation in the 1995 International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) School on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics which will take place at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, during July 3-17, 1995. The U.S. organizer, Dr. Marleigh Sheaff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will work with Dr. Peter Krizan of the Jozef Stefan Institute to prepare a workshop agenda that includes lecture courses on state-of-the-art instrumentation techniques in experimental elementary particle physics. These lectures will be augmented by six laboratory courses designed to demonstrate the material presented. Participants will include advanced graduate level students and recent PHD researchers largely from the United States, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe. However, representatives from the Americas, China, India and Taiwan will also attend. The overall goal of this activity is to foster new links among the up-coming generation of world physicists in an area that increasingly requires international cooperation. ***