9508784 Reimer This award supports a 12-month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. Paul Meyer Reimer of the Turner Precision X-ray Laboratory at Goshen College. This fellowship will enable Dr. Reimer to begin a collaboration with Dr. Hiroo Hashizume of the Tokyo Institute of Technology to develop new x-ray methods to investigate two-dimensional physics: the understanding of surfaces and interfaces. This project aims to develop new methods of finding the atomic structures of surfaces and interfaces based on high-intensity x-ray scattering experiments. The research program is in the spirit of the Program objectives to transfer and exchange scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Reimer will make measurements and become familiar with research techniques and equipment at the nearby Photon Factory synchrotron in Tsukuba, in addition to other contributions to the research effort. The fellowship will enable Dr. Reimer to work with a premier researcher, as well as developing personal and professional connections with a wider group of researchers at one of Japan's foremost research facilities.