9513121 Cohen This award supports the participation of nine U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan seminar on the Surface Dynamics and Structures in Epitaxial Growth, to be held in Nagoya, Japan, from March 24-27, 1997. The co-organizers are Professors Philip I. Cohen of the University of Minnesota and Ayahiko Ichimiya of Nagoya University. The meeting will last four days and its proceedings will be published as a regularly refereed, special issue of "Surface Review and Letters." This meeting will further the increasing interactions between U.S. and Japanese scientists investigating epitaxy; in particular a special symposium of the Japanese Physical Society has been scheduled immediately following the seminar in the same city. This U.S.-Japan seminar should significantly enhance the interactions and contacts between U.S. and Japanese scientists who are developing theories of surface processes and who are using new electron probes to characterize surfaces; the conference will improve our understanding of these probes, and it will help develop the technology for the growth of new, thin, film materials. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through international collaboration. ***