9513350 Stark This award will provide partial travel support for Dr. Glenn Stark from the Physics Department at Wellesley College to conduct collaborative research with Dr. Brenton Lewis, The Australian National University (ANU) Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering. The work will focus on high-resolution laser spectroscopy of molecular oxygen in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). The broad objectives of this project are to gain insight into the electronic structure of the oxygen molecule and to contribute to an understanding of the role of this basic molecule in the photochemistry of the earth's atmosphere. Molecular oxygen is a strong absorber of solar VUV radiation in the earth's atmosphere and thus determines the depth of penetration of this radiation. The research will be centered around laser-based measurements in the 110-135 nm spectral region. The work of Dr. Stark in VUV spectroscopy is complementary to that being used by the Ultraviolet Physics Unit at ANU. The work in Australia is supported through the Department of Industry, Science and Technology (DIST).