9515449 Tissue This award provides partial travel support, over a duration of two years, to assist two American investigators, Dr. David Tissue of the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University and Dr. Devin Griffin from the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada, to conduct collaborative research in New Zealand with Dr. David Whitehead at the Canterbury Agricultural and Science Center of the New Zealand Government's Landcare Research Institute. The primary emphasis of the collaboration will be on determining potential mechanisms that regulate the effect of elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen on leaf carbon balance, including those involving photosynthetic enzymes and mitochondrial biogenesis. The cooperative research will study these mechanisms at a field site in California on Ponderosa pine, the most widely distributed conifer in North America, and in New Zealand on Monterey pine, the most extensively planted and economically important tree in that country. The American investigators bring to the study expertise in physiology and biochemistry, while access to the trees and an elevated carbon dioxide open-top chamber facility available in Christchurch, contributes to this collaborative study. Funding in New Zealand is provided through the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.