9526096 Gordon This award supports a two-year cooperative research program between Prof. Robert J. Gordon at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Prof. Yutaka Matsumi at Hokkaido University in Japan. Their shared research interests include the spectroscopy and reaction dynamics of gas phase molecules. The goal of our joint research effort is to use digital imaging techniques to study the photodissociation of molecules. They plan to use this technology to gain deeper insight into the interaction of light with matter and to explore the possibility of using lasers to control chemical reactions. Members of the two research groups will visit each other's laboratories in order to perform experiments and to analyze the resulting data. Previously, several members of Prof. Matsumi's group have spent extensive visits in Prof. Gordon's laboratory. This new grant will enable Prof. Gordon to visit Hokkaido with an American graduate student to use Prof. Matsumi's ion imaging apparatus, with the eventual goal of constructing a similar machine in Chicago. This international collaboration will thereby facilitate the exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge. ***