9600342 Sheaff This Americas Program award will support collaborative research between Dr. Marleigh Sheaff of the University of Wisconsin, Professor John Cumalat of the University of Colorado, Professor Hector Mendez and Professor Gerardo Herrera of CINVESTAV-IPN in Mexico, in experimental elementary particle physics. Specifically, the researchers intend to concentrate on a charm photoproduction experiment (E831) to be performed at Fermilab, in order to conduct high precision studies of varied charmed meson and baryon states. The researchers intend to conduct a systematic study of the lifetimes and other properties of charmed baryons and will work on upgrades to the existing Wide Band Photon Lab Spectrometer that will significantly extend the physics reach of the E831 experiment. Responsibility for maintaining the detectors during data taking and the analysis of the collected data will be shared by both sides. The project will contribute to the internationalization of large science projects; its emphasis on student involvement will help to promote future collaborations. ***