9600366 Weibel The PI will conduct a planning visit to Buenos Aires and La Plata, Argentina to establish a collaboration with G. Cortinas of Universidad de La Plata and O. Villamayor of Universidad de Buenos Aires in the area of Hochschild and cyclic homology. The PI has already published with Cortinas and will seek new directions with Villamayor and his "BACH" group within their overlapping interests. One conjecture of interest to all three is whether the trace map from the algebraic K-theory of a Q-algebra to its Hochschild homology preserves the decomposition given by Adams operations; another, attributed to Berger, deals with the module of Kaehler differentials over a regular ring. The collaborators conduct active research programs in the proposed areas and the questions addressed are important ones to the field. The visit will provide the opportunity to establish a clear plan to take advantage of the combined efforts of the three researchers. ***