9602947 Mischaikow This Americas Program award will support a collaborative project between mathematicians from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), on a study of theoretical and numerical problems in differential equations. Leaders of the groups are Dr. Konstatin Mischaikow for the U.S. and Dr. Gilberto Flores for Mexico. A broad array of mathematical problems will be investigated in the areas of ordinary and partial differential equations, including theoretical and approximation aspects on inverse problems, approximation techniques in integrable Hamiltonian systems, elliptic equations with critical Sobolev exponents, existence of periodic orbits, and traveling waves phenomena. Both institutions involved in the project have complementary strengths in the areas of analytical and numerical aspects of differential equations. As a result of the collaboration a broadly based scientific exchange between the two institutions will be established that will significantly contribute to the training of graduate students. ***