9605181 Narayan Description: This award is for the US-India Cooperative Research research collaboration in materials science under the direction of Jagdish Narayan, North Carolina State University, Raleigh and S.C. Agrawal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. The research entitled Laser and Plasma Deposition and Adhesion of Diamond and Diamondlike Films will Effect and Specific Heat in Amorphous Alloys will determine the correlations between the electrical and magnetic properties of metallic glasses. While considerable progress has been made in cataloging and explaining electrical transport in paramagnetic glassy metals, the relative importance of nonmagnetic processes and those associated with magnetism and magnetic scattering processes in amorphous magnetic alloys has not been completely established. The U.S. group has been among the most active studying electron transport and surface chemistry of nonmagnetic amorphous alloys, and the Indian group has been a mahor factor in the study of electron transport in magnetic glassy metals. The expertise and experimental capabilities of the two groups are highly complementary and will combine well to accomplish the research objectives. Scope: In the United States the study of amorphous metals had, at one time, been far more intensive than in India. However, research priorities in the United States have shifted to other areas. Presently, no research programs are funded solely for the study of amorphous metals. The main effort on this topic in India and perhaps worldwide will be performed by Majumdar and his group at Kanpur. U.S. collaboration will insure access to major experimental research on amorphous metals, access to the resulting technology at low cost, and the furthering of basic understanding on transport in amorphous alloys. This award is jointly funded by the Division of International Programs and the Division of Chemical and Transport Systems. ***