Rydelek 9703926 This award supports a collaborative research project between Dr. Paul Rydelek of the University of Memphis and Dr. Kazuo Hamada of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) in Tsukuba, Japan on the physics of the earthquake process. Dr. Rydelek will spend one year working on this project in Japan. NIED offers extensive data on earthquakes collected from a comprehensive network of strong motion sensors, conventional short period seismometers and newly developed broadband seismic sensors. The principal investigator will use the Japanese seismic data to test and refine a recently developed non-fractal model of earthquakes. Understanding the geophysical processes which result in earthquakes is critical to our efforts to mitigate the destruction and loss of life caused by these natural disasters. This project will combine the expertise and data of U.S. and Japanese laboratories working on earthquake research. The project is supported under the Science Fellowship Program between the National Science Foundation and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. ***