Kanoglu 9705797 This award supports a 12 month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. Utku Kanoglu at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Dr. Kanoglu will work with Dr. Fumihiko Imamura, Professor at the Disaster Research Control Center, on a research project entitled, "Mitigation of Tsunami Disaster Using Numerical Simulation." The proposed research will investigate the behavior of tsunamis (large oceanic waves) as they approach and come in contact with coastlines. As questions relating to patterns of wave accumulation, resonant amplification, and so on currently remain unanswered and understudied, computational models that simulate and analyze these processes represent the best method for understanding tsunami activity. The proposed research will utilize numerical algorithms to analyze the development, evolution, and conclusion of tsunami activity in three-dimensions, with the main goal of the research being to create predictive models that will aid in tsunami forecasting and, thus, mitigate the destruction they cause. ***