Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL), under the auspices of the Independent College Office, is the recipient of funds to evaluate the impact of improving physical infrastructure on undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SME&T) education. Since 1991, PKAL has been instrumental in assisting colleges and universities in all parts of the country strengthen their programs in the field of SME&T. Central to this effort has been the organization's focus on facilities planning, challenging institutions to explore the relationship between space and programs. Through workshops and publications, PKAL has been a catalyst in helping institutions articulate their vision of student learning that gives direction to curricular, facilities, and financial planning needs. Funds will also be used to prepare a supplement to the comprehensive PKAL Volume III, Structures for Science--A Handbook on Planning Facilities. As the only publication of its kind, the Handbook features case studies of successful renovations and new structures illustrating innovative and creative approaches to planning and designing of space. The supplement will be distributed both in print and electronically, including new information on facilities planning, building systems, and equipping new or renovated science facilities. Both projects will address the continuing infrastructure needs at colleges and universities, ensuring that the physical environment for faculty and students is safe and accommodates new approaches to conduct research and research training activities.