9722498 Keeler This award will support travel and related expenses for Drs. Kathleen Keeler, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and Jane H. Block, University of Colorado, Boulder, for a meeting with Drs. Guillermo Norrmann and Camilo Quairn, Universidad del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina. The purpose of the visit is to develop a joint research project to investigate the role of intraspecific polyploidy in the evolutionary success of grasses, using Andropogon as a model system. The consultation will allow the two teams to exchange information on preliminary studies and to plan coordinated activities and field trips to look at related species. The topic of the research is of considerable interest to NSF because many plant species are polyploid and because many species, especially the grasses, occur in polyploid complexes that appear to be the result of autopolyploidy. The research will likely contribute to advance the understanding of this important dimension of plant evolution. ***