974122 Dilcher This Americas Program dissertation enhancement grant will fund Mr. Carlos Jaramillo, under the direction of Dr. David Dilcher, University of Florida, on a study of the palynostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of four Andean provinces in the western, northeastern, central and eastern Colombian Andes. The study will include a detailed taxonomic survey of pollen/spores and comparison with living taxa. It is anticipated that the research will provide data for recognizing flora constituents in the region during the Paleogene , as well as refine the existent biostratigraphic resolution. The main goal is to identify patterns of palynologic responses relative to sea-level and base-level changes, and distinguish them from evolutionary changes. The use of palynology (pollen/spores) palynofacies are proven and adequate techniques to make geological and vegetational reconstructions. The research will provide an integrated overview of the geological and vegetational development during this period, and will provide a critical link in the knowledge of the Paleogene history of northern South America. The Paleogene encompasses major evolutionary progress, especially within the angiosperms, and major changes in global circulation and climatic changes, sea-level fluctuations and tectonism. However, its history in northwestern South America remains largely unknown due to the scarcity of detailed geologic research. An adequate understanding of important large-scale events, such as the Andes uplift process and its relation to the high species diversity in the area, has been hindered by this lack of information. Furthermore, some of the most important hydrocarbon reservoirs in the region are located in Paleogene and Eocene continental rocks, in zones with high structural complexities. A better understanding of the paleogene stratigraphy and biostratigraphy will enhance the successful exploration of these reservoirs. ***