9724923 Incera This Americas Program award will fund travel and related expenses for Dr. Vivian Incera, and Dr. Efrain Ferrer of the State University of New York at the Fredonia campus, for a short-term visit to Mexico to plan a research collaboration in theoretical physics with Dr. Carlos Villareal and Dr. Manuel Torres of the Instituto de Fisica of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). They also plan to visit Dr. Ricardo Capovilla of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV) and Dr. Jose Luis Lucio, of the Universidad de Guanajuato, two additional well-known centers for theoretical physics in Mexico. In the past year, several areas of common interest and complementary strengths have been identified with these groups through electronic and telephone contacts, but it is necessary now to discuss the details of the research problems to be studied, as well as the strategies to be followed. The completion of this visit is likely to lead to a long-term research collaboration with various strong groups in Mexico. ***.