9811608 Kangari This award supports a workshop to evaluate the impact of research visits under the NSF-Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) Fellowship Program on the careers of its participants. The PI, Dr. Roozbeh Kangari, Professor and Director, Building Construction Program, Georgia Institute of Technology, was a long-term research visitor to Japan in 1989-90 in the Japan-U.S. Fellowship Program that preceded the CGP Fellowship Program which was established in 1992. Fourteen participants representing a range of ages, subsequent research experience, duration of the CGP Fellowship, science/engineering disciplines, and regional distribution will be invited to participate in the workshop. One graduate student who is knowledgeable about the program also will participate and assist Dr. Kangari. The workshop will be held at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia, May 7 and 8, 1998. This workshop represents the first formal evaluation of the CGP Program and should be beneficial in strengthening the program in the future and in attracting a larger number of qualified applicants. Support is provided by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. ***