This award is entitled US-India Cooperative Research: Chemical Weathering in Granitic Channels of India and the United States. Principal investigators Ellen Wohl and Sally Sutton, Colorado State University will collaborate with Indian geologist, Hema Achyuthan, Anna University, Chennai. The primary objective of the research is to obtain fundamental knowledge about the means by which channels are incised into bedrock and the role that chemical weathering plays in this process. The investigators will study chemical weathering of granite bedrock within active fluvial channels in subalpine through semiarid to subtropical climates in India and Colorado.
Scope: This research has the potential to contribute substantially to the fields of geomorphology and geochemistry by furthering understanding of the chemical weathering of bedrock and its implications for landform development. It will foster collaboration and intellectual exchange among geological communities in both countries and provide opportunities for joint field research, laboratory analyses, and seminars. This is a new collaboration among three female scientists at the early stages of their careers and fully supports the objectives of the Division of International Programs.