This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address improved wafer contamination analysis in the microelectronics industry. Phase I will examine a new technique called focused beam total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF). Based on point-focusing toroidal crystal optics, focused beam TXRF is expected to improve spatial resolution by a factor more than 100 and provide 30 times better detection sensitivity for local contaminants on silicon (Si) than the conventional TXRF method. This technique also has potential for low level aluminum (Al), sodium (Na), and other low atomic-number (Z) elements that not performed effectively by conventional TXRF and other techniques. Phase I will demonstrate improved sensitivity and resolution for transition metal detection. Theoretical calculations will be also carried out to determine the feasibility for Al and Na detection in wafer contamination control.
Focused beam TXRF analysis has commercial applications in the microelectronics industry for wafer contamination control, including localized and homogeneous contaminants with high resolution. These contaminants include many important elements, such as transition metals, Al, Na and other low Z elements.