This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project acquires information for and then designs the first commercial Automated Foam Index Test (AFIT) instrument. AFIT automatically and quantitatively determines the stability or instability of foams and emulsifiers. It innovates foaming and foam stability measurements in industrial production systems. Currently, foam and emulsifier stabilities are measured using visual or mechanical observations. The research uses basic physical and chemical behaviors of foams and emulsifiers to identify bubble stability and breakup activity. Computer-controlled experimental methods are used to acquire and statistically assess data, and then correlations are made with data obtained using currently accepted, manual methods.
Although this Phase I research focuses on an instrument for determining the foam indices of cements and pozzolans, AFIT is a generic name for a suite of instruments that would impact food and consumer product specialists and manufacturers, wastewater treatment facilities, minerals industries, petroleum/oil industries, fire retardant manufacturers and beverage manufacturers.