This action joins the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) with an existing National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC), the Tree Genetic Engineering Research Cooperative (TGERC) at Oregon State University. Both centers share the same goal: the study of technologies to genetically improve trees for use in intensively managed tree plantations. The objectives, structure, and policies of TGERC are well established, and similar to those of the HTIRC.
With formation of the joint center joint annual meeting will convene at one site; a single Industrial Advisory Board will be convened to make business decisions; and members of both centers will be alerted prior to publication for exercise of their intellectual property options for research from the center. Research will continue to be conducted in a largely autonomous manner at each center, including the planning and execution of projects; reporting, including annual reports; implementation of LIFE forms and their discussion; proposals for other grant funding; and research fund management.