This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop a novel solid acid catalyst for paraffin alkylation in an effort to provide refiners with a cost-effective alternative for producing clean fuels without the need for corrosive liquid acids. A new family of multifunctional catalysts is being developed, that significantly reduce catalyst deactivation rates. This is achieved through optimal distribution of the active sites within the catalyst pellet. During Phase I, the new class of solid acid catalysts will be synthesized, characterized and tested for paraffin alkylation. Performance of this catalyst will be compared to the performance of conventional solid-acid catalysts.
Emissions from cars are the single most important factor responsible for poor air quality in US. With its high octane number, low vapor pressure and absence of aromatic and olefinic compounds, alkylate is an ideal clean fuel component because it is low polluting and has low toxicity. The alkylation process using this new catalyst system will be fundamentally safer and cleaner, side-stepping the use and generation of toxic chemicals. The catalyst promises significantly improved yields and selectivities, Improved economic performance translates into enhanced utilization of feedstocks, reduced requirements for materials of construction, and sustainable energy savings.