This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project targets the development of an innovative environmentally friendly active-passive natural fiber-reinforced composite (APNFC) material that can be used for control of noise and vibrations in a wide variety of noisy environments. The development of this innovative material concept is a result of integrating two emerging technologies, natural fiber-reinforced composites having excellent acoustical properties, and state-of-the-art active noise control technology. The unique design of the proposed composite material will reduce noise transmission over a broad band of frequencies through a combination of absorption and dissipation phenomena.
The success of this research will revolutionize the design of practically all noise generating machines. This material can lead to manufacture of a wide variety of 'quiet' machinery and/or appliances; for example, quiet vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, washers/dryers, and aircraft cabins. Currently, no material is known to exist which has the capability to provide passive-plus-active control. Noise and vibration control pose a challenging problem in various engineering disciplines.