This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop an innovative solar technology that combines nanotechnology with conducting polymer photovoltaics to achieve light weight, flexible solar cells that surpass current solar cell efficiencies, but can be manufactured at a fraction of the cost. Phase I, successfully demonstrated the feasibility of this innovative technology and identified key device design and material requirements to address underlying loss mechanisms limiting the nanocomposite photovoltaic performance. Specific developments included (1) controlled nanocrystal surface chemistry (2) novel nanocrystal synthesis (3) film morphology control and (4) reproducibility and control of the entire process from synthesis to device measurement. Phase II research will build on the knowledge gained in Phase I, and focus on the development of optimized optical and electronic materials and the development of an advanced stacked-intra-layer recombination device architecture. The output of Phase II will be a prototype of an optimized, light-weight, low-cost, flexible solar cell with efficiency greater than 10%; amenable to large-scale, low-temperature manufacturing by roll-to-roll.

Commercially this technology has the potential to meet the market needs to enable solar energy to become an integral and critical power generation source world-wide, providing societal benefits in the areas ranging from environment to national and economic security. Commercial applications exist for high performance, low-cost solar cells that can provide an alternative power generation source. Specific examples of use include on-grid building integrated electricity generation systems; on-grid wholesale power generation; remote off-grid power generation; portable power generation; and power generation for long-term aerospace applications.

Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
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Indirect Cost
Nanosys Inc
Palo Alto
United States
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