This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will focus on the development of new and inexpensive techniques for continuous production of high quality nanoparticles (quantum dots). Preliminary results indicate that aerosol-flow methods can be used for the continuous production of high quality, inexpensive CdS, CdSe, CdTe and ZnO nanoparticles. The objective of this project is to create a new manufacturing process for the synthesis of quantum dots. A chemical aerosol flow synthesis for the continuous production of nanoparticles is proposed where reaction of nanoparticles synthesis proceeds inside droplets of high boiling point solvents. Thus the mechanism of chemical reactions is similar to a batch method. The method however is much simpler in procedure and experimental setup, is inexpensive, scalable, and allows for the synthesis of high quality nanoparticles in a continuous flow regimen. Primary focus of proposed research is to find optimal technical and physico-chemical conditions for the production of high quality nanoparticles.
Commercially, the technology will be attractive to a wide range of markets. The technology allows for continuous production of semiconductor quantum dots, nanooxides, and nanometals and will play significant role in the market of nanomaterials.It is expected that the outcome of this proposal will have great impact on future nanotechnology if successful. The reason is that semiconductor, metal, and oxide nanoparticles are among the most desired materials for future technology and research.