This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I reseacrch project will ascertain the technical feasibility of fabricating practical traveling-wave tube (TWT) amplifiers and oscillators at THz frequencies. Preliminary research in this area suggests that by combining recent advances in carbon nanotube technology with those in the field of micromachining, practical THz TWT devices can be realized. Such devices will spur the development of a new family of THz components. The proposed technical approach builds on principles proven at other wavelengths and leverages from the experience and equipment available through collaborations between the proposing company, industry leaders and the University of Arizona.
If successful the results from the proposed research will lead to THz components and devices that can be used in applications ranging from communications and remote sensing to medical imaging. The proposed work will serve as the research focus for 1 graduate and 1 undergraduate student at the University of Arizona.