This Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Phase I research project will develop a method for long-term stabilization of this highly specific biopesticide for control of zebra mussels. This project represents an industry/research institute collaboration to commercialize a novel microbial agent, pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL0145A (Pf-CL0145A). Pf-CL0145A cells do not kill zebra mussels by infection, but rather by intoxication, and to minimize environmental concerns, a dead-cell formulation of Pf-CL0145A is the targeted commercial product. Evidence indicates that a protein in the cell wall is lethal to zebra mussels. Cells, however, lose their toxicity within days at room temperature, suggesting that this proteinaceous biotoxin quickly degrades. This project will develop methods to achieve long-term stabilization of this biotoxin.
Commercially, the application is in the commercialization of this innovative biopesticide for the control of zebra mussels. With zebra mussels having a billon dollar annual impact in North America, the potential benefit of this technology to industry would be considerable, allowing the control of zebra mussel infestations in raw water intakes without the detrimental environmental impacts of currently used biocides. The project will advance knowledge of downstream processing of microbes containing a thermally-sensitive compound. This stabilization research could thus well serve as a model for subsequent projects seeking to stabilize bacterial proteins. A contribution to scientific training and knowledge will be fostered by involving graduate and undergraduate students in the project.