This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to develop affordable multicolor nanocrystals emitters for optoelectronic application. Semiconductor nanocrystals have been considered with potential applications in many fields. However, they have faced some challenges regarding their applications in optoelectronic devices such as the quantum dots based organic light-emitting diode (QDLED) due to the low brightness and low efficiency of the devices fabricated. This NSF SBIR team intends to produce electronic grade blue and green emitting nanocrystals and scale up the synthesis of electronic grade red emitting nanocrystals for optoelectronic applications. Upon the successful development of Phase I, Phase II will scale up the synthesis of developed emitting nanocrystals for massive production and make commercially available at an affordable price.
Commercially, with its overwhelming advantages, QD-LED has received more and more attention from both industrial and academic areas. However the unavailability of high quality nanocrystals has prevented the researchers and scholars from making breakthrough. Providing the red, green and blue emitters at electronic grade, the proposed innovation will make revolutionary advances in the display industry and is attractive to a wide range of commercial applications.