This Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I research centers on cost-effective production of microalgal-derived biodiesel using an innovative approach that utilizes both a novel photobioreactor (PBR) and open ponds combined with novel separation technology. Though the combination of PBR and open pond technology has been used to produce nutraceuticals, the combined techniques have not been applied to the production of biodiesel from algae because of the difficulty of separating algae from aqueous growth media. This research combines laboratory-demonstrated novel separation methods with the strengths of PBR and open pond technology to overcome major problems facing the cost effective production of microalgal-derived biodiesel.
The broader impacts of this research are the economic production of algal-derived biofuel by targeting two areas faced with the largest production costs: cultivation and harvesting. Producing biodiesel from algae has not reached commercial reality despite the increased price of oil and other technological advances. A major obstacle has been separation technology. This reserach will combine novel photobioreactor technology with open pond technology to produce a microalgal feedstock for biodiesel production. Novel algal separation technologies are added combined with novel lipid/biomass conversion technologies to overcome economic barriers to commercialization thereby reducing the nation's dependence on fossil fuels.