A research site will be established at Virginia Polytechnic Institute for the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Engineering Logistics and Distribution (CELDi). The center conducts research and develops integrated solutions for logistics and distribution problems. Virginia Tech enhances CELDi expertise in logistic systems, supply chain design, and material flow analysis.
The results of the research projects are shared among all center members and eventually in the research literature. The direction of the research is influenced by industry members and conducted by some of the most talented faculty and students in the country. The research results from CELDi impact industry operations directly, provide improved approaches for practitioners who see the research results at conferences and in publications, and extend the general body of knowledge in logistics and distribution.
The Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution (CELDi) is a university-based enterprise providing innovative solutions for logistics and distribution excellence with our member organizations. CELDi, an NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center, was founded in 2002 to conduct collaborative research with industry partners to address logistics and distribution problems through modeling, analysis, and intelligent systems technologies. Virginia Tech enhances CELDi expertise in the areas of logistics systems, supply chain design and analysis, material flow analysis, and human factors and ergonomic considerations for material flow systems. Nine different Virginia Tech faculty members have participated in CELDi projects across six different member organizations. Two of these industry member projects were selected as CELDi Success Stories, and one of these projects was invited to NSF to showcase industry collaborations. The Virginia Tech site has also teamed with other CELDi universities for NSF funding in I/UCRC wide solicitations. Virginia Tech has had four different Research Experience for Undergraduate students participate in CELDi research, and three of these students subsequently joined our graduate r and earned their master's degrees. Through the Research Experience for Teachers Program, the Virginia Tech site teamed with two special education teachers at a middle school to design a workstation at a distribution center for employees with special needs. Moving forward into the next phase of CELDi, Virginia Tech looks forward to providing innovative approaches for our industry members, developing students into highly sought after logistics and distribution professionals, and collaborating with other CELDi universities on grand challenges.