Center for Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced Manufacturing IIP-0823780 University of Virginia Gupta
This is a proposal to renew the University of Virginia's participation in the Lasers and Plasmas center, an I/UCRC center that was created in 2002. The center was initially established as a single university center and currently has grown to a multi-university center with participation from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and Southern Methodist University. The primary focus of the center's research is in laser applications for advanced manufacturing. Some of the center's research activities have included laser removal of oxides, laser micro-machining of titanium, laser microtexturing, optical sensor for laser welding, micromachining of aluminum alloys and carbon nanocomposites. The future center research will focus on applications of high power diode and fiber lasers for various materials processing needs.
Laser processing techniques are expected to increase well beyond the applications of today as research provides improved development of this important process. The integrated effort of multi-university center for laser applications provides a great benefit to the society in terms of helping US industries to be more competitive in advanced manufacturing. The center will provide education and training to prepare students to meet future workforce needs. The center will provide a unique experience to graduate students who will interact and collaborate with industrial researchers and engineers. The center will continue to involve undergraduate students through REUs.