0856090 Arizona State University; Sarma Vridhula 0856039 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; Spyros Tragoudas
Embedded systems are application specific computing systems that have and continue to permeate across every facet of human and machine interaction. Home appliances, mobile hand-held devices, medical instrumentation, etc are just a few examples where embedded computing systems are found today. The proposal is to establish a Center to conduct research on robust, energy efficient and networked embedded systems. The lead of the proposed Center will be Arizona State University (ASU)) with site location at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC). The main activities of the proposed Center will encompass fundamental, industry relevant research, education and training for undergraduate and graduate students through research projects and directed industry sponsored internships, and technology transfer made possible by shared IP arrangements and student employment. The formation of the proposed Center will significantly enhance the existing research collaboration and greatly leverage the research capabilities of the participating institution and industrial partners.
The research activities at the proposed Center would have direct contribution to the following broad domains: Health Care, Homeland Defense, Energy and Environment, and Education and Culture. The proposed Center will encourage collaboration, and the research will expose students and faculty to state-of-the-art research projects of value to the industry. Graduate and undergraduate students at the participating universities and engineers from the various industrial members will benefit from the I/UCRC infrastructure and industry-driven research and development projects. Both schools have an excellent track record of getting under-represented populations involved in science, engineering and mathematics.