This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will use Particle Image Velocimetry wherein a sample sheet volume is illuminated by laser diodes. A high speed camera takes pictures of precipitation illuminated in the sample volume. The proposed data analysis software would use object and pattern recognition algorithms combined with statistical analysis packages to generate output data from the input pictures. The output data would classify the precipitation into four output types with size and velocity distributions.
The successful development of this instrument will be of significant help to researchers within government, academia, and the private sector that aim to measure, characterize, and understand precipitation and how it plays in the overall environment. Use within research would also make data available for students, teaching, and other training purposes. In time, the principle components of PICS would become less expensive and the system could serve as an additional sensor on domestic and international weather stations. Operational use in this manner would advance weather data assimilation and forecast model prediction.
"This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)."