This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project involves the development of systems to treat produced water using a novel type of swellable glass that absorbs organic compounds from water. Produced water is the term given to aqueous wastes cogenerated with oil/gas extraction. These waters contain high levels of organic compounds, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes), organic acids, and dissolved solids. Treatment of produced water will be accomplished using swellable organic modified silica (SOMS) which can rapidly expand to five times its dry weight with organics, but which does not absorb water. The swelling process is completely reversible, allowing SOMS to act as a nanomolecular sponge for absorption of water contaminants. Pilot phase testing of SOMS in conjunction with oil majors and oil field service companies is the focus of the research. In addition, new advanced versions of SOMS will be developed to target specific contaminants, including the capture of barium. These advanced materials will help create methods to harness oil/gas resources in a more environmentally benign manner.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the enhancement of our water resources through advanced purification systems. It is estimated that 19 billion barrels of produced water were created from petroleum extraction activities around the world in 2007. Managing the large volumes of water coming from petroleum production represents a great challenge to the energy industry. The amount spent on produced water treatment in 2008 was $35 billion, and this figure is expected increase with a stricter regulatory climate and higher anticipated water volumes from mature well fields. A cost-effective means to convert produced water to a useable water stream is a desirable goal in a world where water resources face greater pressure each year. Efficient means to treat produced water will allow for better resource management and lower energy prices.
Produced water is the term given to aqueous waste streams which are a by-product of petroleum exploration and recovery. The amount of produced water that must be managed is staggering. It is estimated that 800 billion gallons of produced water are created each year from petroleum extraction activities around the world. ABSMaterials, Inc. and its subsidiary Produced Water Absorbents LLC are developing self-contained, portable systems capable of removing hydrocarbons, organic acids, and potentially metal ions from produced water and at a continuous rate of 120 gallons per minute. The goal is to purify produced water so it can be safely discharged into the ocean off-shore or converted to potable water on-shore for agricultural use in arid regions. The water treatment system is based on a swellable glass material – Osorb – that has high affinity for dissolved organics. Osorb is a member of new class of patented, chemically inert, nano-engineered silica-based materials that swell 8 times their dry weight in the presence of organic liquids. Swelling is reversible and occurs in <1 s when exposed to neat organic liquids. Osorb does not swell in water, but is highly is effective at removing a wide range of organics from water including polar species. In the Phase I period of the NSF-SBIR project, a 4 gallon per minute and a 60 gallon per minute pilot-scale water purification unit were constructed and tested. Results showed that the systems were effective at removing 99% of the dissolved and dispersed hydrocarbons from produced water. In addition, novel Osorb-polymer composite materials were created that can remove up to 94% of dissolved organic acids. The advantage to Osorb-based systems is that the purification process is accomplished in a closed-loop approach where hydrocarbons are extracted and rapidly recovered from the swellable organosilica, thus in essence mining produced water for addition petroleum while cleaning the water stream.