The Grid-Connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems (GRAPES) IUCRC proposes renewal as a two-site I/UCRC, comprising personnel and facilities at the University of Arkansas (lead) and the University of South Carolina with a focus on developing the new knowledge, tools, hardware, software, and personnel that are required to pervasively insert power electronics into the 21st century power grid in ways that will strengthen and modernize the grid. GRAPES makes use of an already-developed facility for design, development, test, evaluation, and standardization of distribution-level grid-connected power electronic equipment. This enables validation of research findings, and accelerated insertion of new solid-state equipment into the power grid at both source and load ends.
Power electronics in grid applications are essential to achieving efficient power systems of high reliability and resiliency. The I/UCRC in Phase II will train students and practicing engineers who will become qualified to develop and manage the next generation of power systems, thereby helping to mitigate the forecasted shortage of power engineers. GRAPES will establish new courses that will integrate research with education to make our students highly competitive in their ownership of unique skills and knowledge.