The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project lies in the prototyping and scaled demonstration of a high-energy lithium-ion cell for commercialization. This is expected to directly feed into the domestic specialty and defense energy storage markets (aerial and underwater drones, on-person battery) and global consumer device markets while it is also expected to prove the technology for further development in the global electric vehicle markets. The proposed project and resulting technology responds to the growing need for low-cost, high-energy, and safe energy storage technology through a scientifically unique and technologically innovative approach. If successful in enabling a next-generation lithium-ion battery, this project will contribute to major advances in drone technology and consumer electronics technology capable of societal transformation. For example, providing 3-6 months of continuous drone flight time creates opportunities for the communications and defense industries, or providing batteries that take up ½ the space of conventional batteries for electronics opens the opportunity for higher power and more highly functional consumer devices. Moreover, this project represents an opportunity for the U.S. to grow its leadership position in energy storage. With the global energy storage market projected to exceed $45B by 2020, it is crucial for the U.S. to gain and maintain a substantial position in the field.
Despite the slow rate of improvement in Li-ion technology, demand for a higher performing battery is growing quickly. To address this issue, this project proposes to enable a non-flammable, high-energy lithium-ion cylindrical cell technology comprising a high-loading silicon anode and nickel-rich cathode. The incorporation of a high-loading silicon anode in a cylindrical cell format is unique and has proven very attractive across a range of markets. Moreover, the innovation is proposed to be compatible with the existing battery manufacturing infrastructure for rapid commercialization. This SBIR Phase II project will, for the first time, demonstrate a working high-loading silicon anode in commercially viable cylindrical cell prototypes through the optimization of the electrode architecture and its accompanying electrolyte composition. Upon optimizing the prototype cell design the anode will be scaled for integration into cylindrical cells, the prototypes will be characterized for cycling and safety performance, iteration and improvements will be made as necessary, and finally, prototype cells will be incorporated into a drone-ready pack design for delivery to an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles manufacturing partner. If successful in achieving these tasks, this project should direct future research efforts towards a higher focus on electrolyte-enabled battery designs.